Darien Caledonia

Darien Caladonia is a country located at the equator between North and South America.

The Darien Scheme

In the 1690s, Scotland colonised Panama. Originally, it didn't go well, and England told their colonies to not help them. Scotland was nearly bankrupt by the 1670s, and the English tried to entice them into joining them in a political union.

Scotland, however, didn't accept, and went on. Eventually, it paid off, and Scotland benefitted massively from the colony.

During the Napoleon war, Spain was colonising central and south America, but left New Caledonia alone as a thank you for Scotland to not get involved.

The Turbo Tunnel

During the early 1990s, an underground tunnel was built to connect New Caledonia and Columbia togither by road, making trade and regular travel easier between the 2 nations.

Independence Referendum

In August 1997, The Darien government held a referendum to get independence from Scotland. A Yes vote passed through, and the Scottish govrenment are in talks with them to arrange a deal for when they get their independence.
